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Colombia – Are you ready for an adventure?!?


Are you tired of the annual winter flying doldrums? Want to change that up for some tropical warmth and potentially hours and hours of airtime? Are you ready?

Join us this winter for an adventure filled paragliding tour on the Central Andes Mountains of Colombia!

If the above sounds similar to our Costa Rica tours, you are right! You could think of our Colombia tour as a ‘next level’ or ‘level up’ tour in almost every way! We will be flying high in the Andes mountains of Central Colombia with launch elevations up to 7000′ high and LZ’s may be restricted and range in elevation from 1500′ to as much as 6000′ high. This also requires more pre-requisite skills from our tour group, so we are requiring P-3+ level certification or a ‘pass’ from us due to our knowledge of your current skill set.

Our Colombia tour will focus on improving your mountain and XC flying skills, coupled with helping you to establish thoughtful (and successful) decision making practices. We will cover topics such as: mountain thermalling, reading multi-valley systems/winds, analysis of solar angles, reading clouds and making efficient valley crossings. Most evenings will provide an opportunity for a ground school session, re-capping the days events, successes and points of decision, along with how to improve those decisions and planning for the next days flying.

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